Saturday, April 23, 2011

One More Day, April 23, 2011

The time is getting near.  Spent most of the day in registration/orientation sessions.  This outfit i.e. America By Bicycle, is very thorough and organized.  The 4 staff members really seem to know their stuff.  At the end of the sessions the general consensus from our group was, "Dang, they scared the hell out of me!"  As for me, they did a good job of getting my undivided attention and questioning my sanity for being here.  I think that was their plan.  It will be important to ease into this challenge over the first 7 days.  Establish a routine, good riding, eating and sleeping habits, etc..   I am concerned but I think that is  healthy!!  I have met all 25 members of our group and fortunately we all have name tags.  It is a fairly diverse group.  Several riders from the UK, New Zealand and Norway.  They seem like a good bunch of guys.  We did get out  for a small group ride down on the beach.  It is tempting to drop out of this ride and just stay here.  What a gorgeous place.  Tomorrw at 7:00 a.m. we begin.  Hope I can sleep tonite!!

Steve, Eric, Bob, Lasse, Jay


  1. I see that you have enlisted a photographer other than myself to take your picture. At least I am needed on the home front! Have a great first day!!

  2. Hey man - do not ease into ANYTHING - establish yourself on day one by getting the YELLOW JERSEY!!! That will make a statement!

  3. I am thinking about you, I hope your first day was a breeze....

  4. can't wait to hear about day one dad/grampa!

  5. Hope you had a good day big brother!
